Sale 5Completed: February 22, 2025

The 3c 1851-57 Issue

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Lots 222—226

1857 3¢ Perf Issue - Type I Uses

  • Lot 222

    1857, 3¢ rose, type I, Position 28R4, exceedingly well centered, tied by sharp 10-bar circular grid cancel, red "Chelsea Mass. Sep 21" cds on orange buff cover to Newburyport Mass., 1857 detailed docketing on front and back, fresh and Very Fine use.

    Scott No. 25   ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦  Estimate $150 - 200.

    Realized: $120

  • Lot 223

    1857, 3¢ rose, type I, vertical pair, well centered, tied by neat "Washington D.C., Free, Jun 7, 1859" cds on gem cover to Forkland Ala., Extremely Fine and choice 3¢ type I double-weight use, ex-Gibson .

    Scott No. 25   ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦  Estimate $400 - 600.

    Realized: $325

  • Lot 224

    1857, 3¢ rose, type I, vertical strip of three with left selvage , tied by two strikes of "Washington Pa. Dec 22, 1857" cds on buff cover to Wheeling Va., original enclosure mentioning five letters were enclosed; partial flap and edge wear, small strip flaws, Fine and scarce triple-rate use.

    Scott No. 25   ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦  $600 as strip.

    Realized: $120

  • Lot 225

    1857, 3¢ rose, type I, four singles overpaying the 10¢ transcontinental rate, tied by two strikes of sharp "New York, Aug 5" ocean mail cds on orange cover to Salem, Oregon Territory, carried on the "Moses Taylor"; edge wear, one 3¢ nicked, F.-V.F. and scarce New York ocean mail use.

    Scott No. 25   ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦  Estimate $300 - 400.

    References: Pictured in Alexander-Simpson's U.S. Postal Markings on p. 327.

    Realized: $200

  • Lot 226

    1857, 3¢ rose, type I, rich color, used with 12¢ black (36B) , tied by bold "New Orleans La., Mar 30, 1859" cds and later by red "New York 'Paid 6' Apr 6" on 1859 blue folded letter to Bordeaux, France to 15¢ treaty mail rate, carried transatlantic by Inman Line Kangaroo , Calais (4.25) entry cds, Bordeaux (4.27) arrival backstamp, Very Fine and scarce #25 use to France; signed Ashbrook.

    Scott No. 25   ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦  $475 as #26 use to France.

    Realized: $300