Sale 6Completed: February 22, 2025

The February Sale

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Lots 1037—1039

Registered Covers

  • Lot 1037

    1900 (Dec. 14) Honolulu, Hawaii to San Francisco Cal., cover red "Tomb Kee & Co., P.O. Box 941, Honolulu, H.I." return address handstamp bearing 10¢ orange brown (283) tied by partial purple "Registry" straightline, matching perfect sharp "Registered, Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec 14, 1900" cds, endorsed "Per S.S. Zealandia" at top, San Francisco (12.23) arrival backstamp; reduced at right, Very Fine.

    Estimate  ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦  $100 - 150.

    Realized: $170

  • Lot 1038

    1900 (Oct. 20) Honolulu, Hawaii to London, England, cover with blue "Pacific Club, Honolulu" flap imprint bearing 2¢ red (279B) block of six and single, couple flaws, tied by purple "Registered, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct 20, 1900", additional strike at bottom, reverse with New York (11.2) transit, F.-V.F. and scarce early Hawaiian territorial registry use to England.

    Estimate  ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦  $100 - 150.

    Realized: $80

  • Lot 1039

    1891 (Oct. 31) London, England registered to Mississippi, G.B. 2d blue registered letter bearing G.B. 2½d tied by "Registered, London, 21 OC 91" oval, reverse with New York " (Non Réclamé.) Unclaimed. (N.Y. -Reg. Div.) " label affixed, sent to Dead Letter Office and returned, Very Fine.

    Estimate  ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦  $150 - 200.

    Realized: $150